Tax Deductible Information
Z88.3 and The Z® Family of Christian Radio Stations (La Z102.5™, GPraise®, Hot 95.9™,™,™, LivingWorship.Radio™, and Z Christmas®) are owned by Central Florida Educational Foundation, Inc., and are operated by Z Ministries, Inc. Both are Florida non-for-profit organizations, recognized by the IRS as §501(c)(3) charitable organizations. Therefore, all donations to Z88.3 (a registered DBA of Z Ministries, Inc.) are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed under law.
Paypal, Venmo, or CashApp
Restricted or Directed Giving
All donations collected are for the general ministry activity of Z88.3, conforming to IRS rules for unrestricted use of these monies in station operations, unless we hear differently from you.
If the Lord is telling you to do something specific, please let us know in advance by contacting Donor Support (321-500-4000)
Make a Gift of Stock by Transfer
You may be able to enjoy tax benefits by making a gift of appreciated stock to Z Ministries, Inc. by avoiding capital gains tax on the appreciated value. The amount of charitable income tax deduction is equal to the full fair market value of the stock upon transfer. Simply provide your broker or financial advisor with the transfer information below, then contact Donor Support (321-500-4000), so we can properly acknowledge your gift for tax purposes. We will need to know your name, address, and phone number; the name of the security being transferred; and the number of shares being transferred.
Security Transfer Information
DTC ID #0725
Z Ministries Inc.
Account #15320128
Raymond James and Associates
Donating Crypto Currencies
To support your Z by donating Crypto currency, please use the link below. Your transaction will be processed through Engiven on their website.